Fire Department

The department is organized in accordance with state statutes as a Municipal Fire Department with all Municipal Firefighters and Emergency Medical personnel employed on an "on-call" basis. The department is staffed by 1 full-time Fire Chief. 1 full time firefighter/EMT and 26 on-call firefighters who provide 24 hour fire and rescue services with an average call-out response of 5-10 minutes to scene depending on location. The department was ISO inspected in 2017.

Newport has written mutual aid agreements with Plymouth, Pittsfield, Corinna, and St. Albans.

Ambulance and Rescue Service
Presently, Newport has emergency service agreements with Sebasticook Valley Hospital. Sebasticook Valley Hospital keeps one ambulance at the Newport Public Safety building and staffs it with one EMS provider 24/7. Newport FD provides the second person for the ambulance 24/7.  The Fire Department also has a licensed EMS rescue to provide back up to the ambulance or first respond when needed..

Major equipment includes:

  • 2001 central states 1500 Gpm pumper
  • 2013 pumper tanker 3000 gallon
  • 1991 pierce pumper 1250 gpm
  • 2013 Ford 1 ton forestry unit 250 gallon skid unit
  • 1989 pierce 105 foot ladder truck
  • 2011 gmc suburban rescue
  • Yamaha side by side
  • Rescue boat 40hp mercury