Code Enforcement
The Code Enforcement department is staffed by a part-time State Certified Code Enforcement Officer/Licensed Plumbing Inspector (CEO/LPI). The department is responsible for enforcement of all land use violations and administration of Land Use Ordinances and permitting. The department provides staff support for the Planning and Appeals Boards. The department is responsible for building construction and plan review in accordance with the International Building Codes 2006 and Life Safety Codes. The Land Use Ordinance provides for permitting and approval of most projects by the CEO which eliminates site plan review by the Planning Board.
The Town has made a very conscious effort to update land use codes and ordinances to facilitate and encourage economic development. The permitting process has been streamlined and is performance based to reduce approval time for applicants by allowing the CEO to permit within 24 hours, approved uses in a particular zone.
- Comprehensive Plan (2009), approved by State Planning Office as meeting state Growth Management Plan.
- Land Use Ordinance (1996), Revised to create additional commercial zones and commercial uses. This is the zoning ordinance regulating uses in the different zones and is written to allow flexibility in interpretation. Includes zone locations and approved uses in individual zones.
- Shoreland Zoning Ordinance (1989), This ordinance regulates all uses within 250 feet of a water body.
- Flood Plain Ordinance, (1989), regulates uses and construction methods within the 100 year flood plain.
- Subdivision Ordinance. (1994). provides standards for the division of land and some buildings. Also regulates road construction, utilities and lot sizes.
- State of Maine Plumbing Code, this code regulates the use and installation of plumbing and sub-surface waste disposal. Is administered and enforced by the municipal licensed plumbing inspector.
- State of Maine Electrical Code.
Building Codes are the following:
- International Building Code 2006
- International Residential Code 2006
- International Property Maintenance Code 2006